Pick a Card: Who wants to connect & collaborate with you?

Pick a Card: Who wants to connect & collaborate with you?

The deck displayed, Pastel Magic Tarot, is available in the shop.

Pick a card readings are great ways to both get confirmation and guidance in situations in your life, and also strengthen and utilize your own intuitive gifts and abilities.

In this reading, we will take a look at who is wanting to connect and collaborate with you. Use your intuition to select the card or cards you're drawn to. If you're aware of the meanings behind the cards, please do not let that influence your decision. They are merely placeholders for energy. The "Significant Signs" portion doesn't need to resonate; it just adds an extra layer of information. The signs are listed in order of significance to each pile and can represent you or others involved. Some signs did not come out in this reading. 

Let's Begin...



The person who wants to connect & collaborate with you is in a position of power and authority. They have wanted to keep their identity secret because of the ramifications they could face for showing you support for some reason. They also might fear you being competition for them in the future. This person has a passion for innovation and is drawn to you because of that; they see something unique about what you have to offer the world. I'm getting that they will be more nervous than you to connect.

Advice: Don't let your imposter syndrome get the best of you here.

Significant Signs: Gemini, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius


The Fool

The person who wants to connect & collaborate with you rebels against all things authority and status quo. They're a part of groups that are seeking social justice and change. This person lives an alternative lifestyle and may travel out of the country frequently due to it. They're a big believer in intuition, luck, and fate. They're currently going through a period of time where they're feeling disconnected from their intuition and are looking to connect with you for guidance.

Advice: You can trust your intuition.

Significant Signs: Sagittarius, Cancer, Pisces, Gemini, Virgo


The High Priestess

The person who wants to connect & collaborate with you has heard about you from someone they trust. They have heard about your services, business, or you as a person and are very interested in getting to know and potentially working with you. They're eccentric and see the world with a very different lens than most. They're highly spiritual and listen to their intuition, even if it seems completely ridiculous to do so. This means they often are too big of an energy for most people to handle and rub people the wrong way. This person is seriously struggling and looking for help, and you're in a position to help them.

Advice: Everyone is weird, some are just better at hiding it.

Significant Signs: Sagittarius, Pisces, Aries, Aquarius, Gemini


The Devil

The person who wants to connect & collaborate with you is a spiritual or religious leader. They could also be professors of those topics. They could also be a High Priestess. This person has some sort of platform that others listen to and learn from. They're highly educated in their craft. This person sees themselves in you and wants to connect to help enlighten you to your potential. This is someone who wants to mentor you and help guide you.

Advice: Remember, you decide who you are. No one else.

Significant Signs: Taurus, Leo, Pisces, Sagittarius, Aquarius


The Empress

The person who wants to connect & collaborate with you has a romantic interest. It doesn't matter if you're in a relationship or not, and in fact, I believe many of you are, as this person is wanting you to walk away from someone and towards them. They feel like someone or something in your life is draining your energy, and they want to protect you from that. This person is very sexually attracted to you and thinks you're stunning.

Advice: Keep an open mind.

Significant Signs: Aquarius, Aries, Pisces, Sagittarius


The Chariot

The person who wants to connect with you is a part of a group looking to collaborate with you. This is a group of creatives - artists of all types. For many, this group is in an online environment with Zoom-style meetings. This group collaborates together by sharing ideas and information. The group is looking for a change of energy, and they feel you would be a good fit. Your art or personality aligns with their style and values.

Advice: Don't spend time engaging in others' petty behavior.

Significant Signs: Aries, Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces

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