Pick a Card: Where is your current path leading?

Pick a Card: Where is your current path leading?

Pick a card readings are great ways to both get confirmation and guidance in situations in your life, and also strengthen and utilize your own intuitive gifts and abilities.

In this reading we will take a look at where your current path is leading. Use your intuition to select the card or cards you're drawn to. If you're aware of the meanings behind the cards, please do not let that influence your decision. They are merely placeholders for energy. 

Let's begin...

Yewa Guidance 

If you were drawn to the Yewa card, your current path is leading you to your spiritual purpose in this lifetime. Your pile is giving off Persephone, Queen of the Dead vibes. You are a highly spiritual being who is on the path to becoming an important messenger.

Your connection to Spirit allows you access to information that is highly sought after in both the physical and spiritual realms. Some of you have platforms or will soon have a platform to share this information.

Be warned, with this type of energy, you're likely to attract Hades figures—people who want to capture your light for themselves. Spiritual, emotional, and physical boundaries are absolutely necessary for you. This is not a suggestion, but a requirement for your wellbeing and safety.


Mami Wata Memory

If you were drawn to Mami Wata, your current path is leading you to receiving something you have asked for. First, some of you need to see the truth in the situation as you're dealing with an illusion. You may be in a connection with someone you feel isn't being honest with you, and you need to listen to that feeling. They cannot come with you to this new space your path is taking you down. There is too much jealousy and animosity between you two for them to continue on your journey.

Ask Mami Wata or your guides and ancestors for clarity, and be ready to see the truth when it arrives. For some, walking away from this connection leads to financial abundance and fertility.


Food Meditation I Can


If you were drawn to Food Meditation I Can, your current path is leading you to a place you don't want to be. This reading is a warning, a moment to course-correct.

How you speak and think about your current circumstances has a huge impact on your future. You are being too loose with your tongue and letting your mind wander off too far for too long. You're putting energy into what you don't want to happen, instead of what you do want to happen. So now is the time to redirect yourself and focus on what it is that you want.

If you were drawn to this pile, you can speak into existence positive changes to your health and finances. You're a magical being, start acting like it.


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